Monday, October 28, 2013

We Have Been Ghost!

Really, we have been in the research room and our baking kitchen trying to get the next best thing right!  We have been thinking of other dogs that absolutely can have oat flour apart of their diets.  We have been coming up with gluten and vegan free treats!  After all that is the main reason Dog Gon’ Good came alive trying to create treats that are healthy, natural, and organic.

I know we are strange so to speak but give a chance you will see we just one big family that stand firm for healthy dogs!  Since last night we have been resting and catching up on good movies and TV series off of Netflix.  Which I think it is cool that dogs can see the images on flat screens better (still different from our sight).  Son of Anarchy and Scandal have been drawing our dogs attention.  While they are going to sleep to Grey’s Anatomy and The Killings, goal figure right?

King (Yorkie) and Nikki (7 months old Mastiff)

Also we are moving to a new home… and the dogs will have to adjust I am sure.  We plan on opening our home to you by making progress on showing how we are making our new home dog friendly. 

One of our stars at Dog Gon’ Good has to go through change too! Sugar, remember that name; Sugar’s Honey and Cinnamon Treat! Her Mommy and Daddy are having their first two legged baby!  And the baby is coming and it’s a Girl!  So, will be keeping you updated with this as well. As you can we have already started shopping!

So, keep up with us and share us around!  We would be glad to hear from you too!
Mean time visit our online stores listed below.

Until next time Happy Wagging Tails!